Monday, August 30, 2010

The Nortport Sensation

The vibrant town of Northport, AL , a settlement as early as 1813, is full of charm. It is a great example of what most of our readings have been talking about. Native to Nowhere most specifically comes to mind, particularly chapter one through three. In chapter two there are some words that describe the town that directly come from the book.

• Sense of Place

• Place attachment

• Community rootedness

• Home

• Connectedness between places

• Distinctiveness

Barn as View Point  
This is one of my favorite buildings

Sign as Symbol

Paving transition from highway

Peeping Tom

 Lattice porch to brick to cinderblock to wood

Change in paving materials on walkway

Example of "How Buildings Learn"

Another example of "How Buildings Learn"

Northport is a great town but this picture show how the automobile can still dominate

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rain Water Harvesting Concept

As I was looking for ideas on how to desing a community cistern for the new housing development I can across this image. I though this is a cool concept.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Power of the Sun

This is a cool video showing how the sun can melt steel.

Biomass Gasification

In the last several years biomass gasification has been making a comeback. There are several videos on YouTube that show some of this technology which as the potential to be used in off grid locations. I recommend it being used in areas where you have the land to renew the energy yourself. Victory Gasworks is one of the websites I have been flowing. They have been making major advances in this technology.

This link will take you to a video of a gasifier powering a 20kw diesel gen set.