Thursday, September 16, 2010

Parking as a Destination

In the last 10 years automated car decks have been catching on in area such as DC and New York. A company from Germany has been building automated car decks that don't seem to far off from the Reb Box  vending machines. There are even concepts on the way for car sharing programs.

Click the link for the full New York Times article

Saturday, September 11, 2010

All about the Concept

The concept is finally coming together, check it out.

My Inspiration behind the concept is this sketch of my hammock swing that I bought in Cartagena, Columbia.

I posted earlier on this significance of this object but I wanted to share my concept statement and explain how I think it ties into my hammock swing.

Statement: (still refining)

The harmony of the natural environment that instills serenity through the motions of wind, water, and light. The integration of nature woven into the built environment.

The movement of the hammock swing instills serenity through its swaying motion much like the movement of nature’s key elements of wind, water, and Light. I also choose these elements because of its use in creating alternative energies. I think that much like the hammock is woven with natural fiber that the concept should have nature woven throughout the site. In addition, the woven cord on the hammock is its main support and the concept should therefore be supported with nature’s principle for sustainability.

I will continue to add to this as it develops

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Midtown Village

These are some images I put side by side showing some of the similarities between Northport, AL and Midtown Village in Tuscaloosa. Although similar, you can see that Midtown Village tried to replicate some of the qualities of Northport but did not do that great of a job.

Pop Tarts

They are symbolic of all the things I don’t want a community development to look like.

They remind me of all the cookie cutter houses you see in new developments where there are two or three floor plans and colors used.

I eat them but don’t really enjoy them.

They are terrible for me, yet I buy them.

They are fast but there is no richness in flavor.

I am able to avoid conversation while eating one.

Pop Tarts exist because of Kellogg’s ability to advertize.

When, if at all, was the last time you ate a Pop Tart and though you should recommend it to others?

Pop Tarts contain approx. 53 different ingredients.

They had to add 7 vitamins to make them appear healthy.

I wonder what the carbon foot print is on one of these.