Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Global Carbon Project

Global emissions of planet-warming carbon dioxide are on track to hit a record in 2010, a leading annual study said on Monday, Driven largely by booming economies in China, India and Brazil and their reliance on coal says David Fogarty writer for Reuters. The Global Carbon Project said emissions dipped 1.3 percent in 2009 from 2008 but the decreases was less than half what was estimated a year ago. The scary thing was that they predicted that emissions would drop because of economic crisis in fossil fuels emissions. The U.S emissions fell by 6.9 percent and Britains fell by 8.6 percent in 2009. However, emissions rose by 8 percent in china and 6.2 percent in India. The global trend is still a dramatic rise in green house gases and reports say that global warming will increase by approx. 2+ degrees Celsius. The link is below.

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